The company has the human and technological resources to produce a variety of flour (72%-76%-82%)
1-Main Product: (Patent Flour extract 72%)
Producing of flour extract 72% according to usage and consumer requirements.
(Biscuits- Bakeries- Pasta-Cake-Sweets-Pies-Pizza)
2- By Products:
Coarse Bran (Specialized for animal feed and Feed Industries)
Soft Bran (Especially for Pita(Baladi) bread, Tabaki Bread, and other industries)
Pollard (used to produce special bread for diabetic patients and products for dieting)
-Farina (It is semolina from hard wheat used in making certain kinds of sweets)
-Germ (It is used in Pharmaceuticals)
3-Pasta and Biscuits:
The company has more than enough experience to supply all kinds of pasta and biscuites with excellent quality.
All of the mentioned products are healthy & safe and complying with the standards.